The script uses google maps web service that returns XML data in which we need parse to get the information we need.
Take note also of the URL I used, you just need to add your google maps key.
$key = 'AIzaSyCrPl5vXuNjPU1fgHF69YPxEopT_NziA4o'; // your google maps key
$param = 'T2G 0S7'; // the location you want to look for, this can be postal code, map id, address, etc.
$geoinfo = get_longlat($key, $param);
function get_longlat($key='', $param='') {
$request_url = "$key&oe=utf-8&q=".urlencode($param);
$xml = simplexml_load_file($request_url);
$geoinfo = array();
if (!empty($xml->Response)) {
$point = $xml->Response->Placemark->Point;
if (!empty($point)) {
$coordinates = explode(",", $point->coordinates);
$geoinfo = array(
'lon' => $coordinates[0],
'lat' => $coordinates[1]
return $geoinfo;
You can also get other information by parsing the XML returned by the google maps web service. Please see below for the sample XML return.
<name>t2g 0s7</name>
<Placemark id="p1">
<address>Calgary, AB T2G 0S7, Canada</address>
<AddressDetails Accuracy="5">
<PostalCodeNumber>T2G 0S7</PostalCodeNumber>
<LatLonBox north="51.0439997" south="51.0413017" east="-114.0367519" west="-114.0394858"/>