1. First, you will need Perl libraries that needs to be installed in your server. Libraries are as follows:
- Time::HiRes
- File::Copy
- Encode
- Net::UCP
- Data::Dumper
my $emi = Net::UCP->new (
SMSC_HOST => $smsc_ip,
SMSC_PORT => $smsc_port,
SENDER_TEXT => $profile,
SRC_HOST => $source_ip, # optional
SRC_PORT => $source_port, # optional
WARN => 1,
FAKE => 0
) or die("Failed to create SMSC object");
$emi->open_link() or die($!);
3. Login to SMSC by supplying smsc id, smsc password, and smsc access code.
my ($acknowledge, $error_number, $error_text) = $emi->login(
SMSC_ID => $smsc_id,
SMSC_PW => $smsc_pw,
SHORT_CODE => $smsc_ac,
OTON => $ton, # optional
ONPI => '5', # optional
VERS => '0100', # optional
die ("Login to SMSC failed. Error nbr: $error_number, Error txt: $error_text\n") unless($acknowledge);
4. Loop in to fetch SMSC messages. Please take note that we need to have a call-back function to call whenever it reaches timeout. All messages can be parsed by using parse_message() function that will return hash data.
$message = $emi->wait_in_loop(
timeout => $timeout,
clear => 1,
action => \&timedout
if (defined($message)) {
print "wait_in_loop: $message\n";
$hshmsg = $emi->parse_message($message);
$chksum = $hshmsg->{checksum};
$rpid = $hshmsg->{rpid};
$dcs = $hshmsg->{dcs};
$type = $hshmsg->{type};
$len = $hshmsg->{len};
$xser = $hshmsg->{xser};
$mt = $hshmsg->{mt};
$trn = $hshmsg->{trn};
$ot = $hshmsg->{ot};
$srcmin = $hshmsg->{oadc};
$dstmin = $hshmsg->{adc};
$smsmsg = $hshmsg->{amsg};
$tstamp = $hshmsg->{scts};
sub timedout {
print "timeout reached...";
exit 0;
5. Lastly, you need to acknowledge the receipt of messages by transmitting back the transaction id from the message you received.
$ucp_string = $emi->make_52(
result => 1,
trn => $trn,
ack => 'A'
if ( defined($ucp_string) ) {
($acknowledge, $error_number, $error_text) = $emi->transmit_msg( $ucp_string, 10, 0 );
print "transmit_msg: $error_text\n";
Please see below for the complete code with log and dump feature. Hope you like it.
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval);
use File::Copy;
use Encode;
use Net::UCP;
use Data::Dumper;
my ($message, $tstamp, $srcmin, $dstmin, $type, $xser, $mt, $trn, $ot, $smsmsg, $hshmsg, $ucp_string, $rpid, $chksum, $dcs, $len);
my $timeout = 120; # set timeout when fetching messages in secs
my $ton = 6; # set your TON from the SMSC server.
print "ton: $ton\n";
my $smsc_id = 'xxxx'; # set your SMSC ID
print "smsc id: $smsc_id\n";
my $smsc_pw = 'xxxxxxx'; # set your SMSC Password
print "smsc pw: $smsc_pw\n";
my $smsc_ac = 'xxxx'; # set your SMSC Access Code
print "smsc ac: $smsc_ac\n";
my $smsc_ip = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx'; # set the SMSC Destination IP
print "smsc ip: $smsc_ip\n";
my $smsc_port = 'xxxx'; # set the SMSC Destination Port
print "smsc port: $smsc_port\n";
my $source_ip = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx'; # set your SMSC Source IP
print "source ip: $source_ip\n";
my $source_port = 'xxxx'; # set your SMSC Source Port
print "source port: $source_port\n";
my $profile = 'xxxx'; # set your profile for logging
print "profile: $profile\n";
my $dumpdir = '/home/your/smsc/ucp/dump/directory'; # set your incoming dump directory
system "mkdir -p $dumpdir" if (!-e $dumpdir);
print "dump dir: $dumpdir\n";
my $logdir = '/home/your/smsc/ucp/log/directory'; # set your incoming log directory
system "mkdir -p $logdir" if (!-e $logdir);
print "log dir: $logdir\n";
# initialization... creating smsc object...
my $emi = Net::UCP->new (
SMSC_HOST => $smsc_ip,
SMSC_PORT => $smsc_port,
SENDER_TEXT => $profile,
SRC_HOST => $source_ip, # optional
SRC_PORT => $source_port, # optional
WARN => 1,
FAKE => 0
) or die("Failed to create SMSC object");
$emi->open_link() or die($!);
# login to smsc...
my ($acknowledge, $error_number, $error_text) = $emi->login(
SMSC_ID => $smsc_id,
SMSC_PW => $smsc_pw,
SHORT_CODE => $smsc_ac,
OTON => $ton, # optional
ONPI => '5', # optional
VERS => '0100', # optional
die ("Login to SMSC failed. Error nbr: $error_number, Error txt: $error_text\n") unless($acknowledge);
while (1)
# start fetching here..
$message = $emi->wait_in_loop(
timeout => $timeout,
clear => 1,
action => \&timedout
if (defined($message)) {
print "wait_in_loop: $message\n";
$hshmsg = $emi->parse_message($message);
$chksum = $hshmsg->{checksum};
$rpid = $hshmsg->{rpid};
$dcs = $hshmsg->{dcs};
$type = $hshmsg->{type};
$len = $hshmsg->{len};
$xser = $hshmsg->{xser};
$mt = $hshmsg->{mt};
$trn = $hshmsg->{trn};
$ot = $hshmsg->{ot};
$srcmin = $hshmsg->{oadc};
$dstmin = $hshmsg->{adc};
$smsmsg = $hshmsg->{amsg};
$tstamp = $hshmsg->{scts};
&dumpme($profile, $srcmin, $dstmin, $type, $tstamp, $mt, $trn, $ot, $smsmsg);
$ucp_string = $emi->make_52(
result => 1,
trn => $trn,
ack => 'A'
if ( defined($ucp_string) ) {
($acknowledge, $error_number, $error_text) = $emi->transmit_msg( $ucp_string, 10, 0 );
print "transmit_msg: $error_text\n";
print "no message from smsc\n";
sub timedout {
print "timeout reached...";
exit 0;
sub logme
my ($logdata) = @_;
my ($logdate, $logtime);
$logdate = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime();
$logtime = strftime "%H%M%S", localtime();
open FLOG, ">> $logdir/$logdate-$profile.log";
print FLOG "$logdate-$logtime -- $logdata\n";
close FLOG;
return 1;
sub logme_raw
my ($logdata) = @_;
my ($logdate, $logtime);
$logdate = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime();
$logtime = strftime "%H%M%S", localtime();
open FLOG, ">> $logdir/$logdate-$profile.raw";
print FLOG "$logdate-$logtime -- $logdata\n";
close FLOG;
return 1;
sub dumpme
my ($profile, $srcmin, $dstmin, $type, $tstamp, $mt, $trn, $ot, $smsmsg) = @_;
my ($date, $time, $fname, $data);
$date = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime();
$time = strftime "%H%M%S", localtime();
$fname = "$date.$time.$tstamp";
$data = "$profile|$srcmin|$dstmin|$type|$xser|$mt|$trn|$ot|$smsmsg";
print "$data\n";
open FILE, ">> $dumpdir/.$fname";
print FILE "$data\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
print "done!";
- Great leaders see the need, seize the opportunity, and serve without expecting anything in return. follow me on twitter @paulgonzaga